... where LIFE SCIENCE

Vorträge/Seminare/ Workshops


Noble Gespräche - Öffentliche Vortragsreihe

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas C. G. Bosch
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
"Wie entschlüsselt man Unsterblichkeit? Hydra in Zeiten der Metaorganismus-Forschung"
28.11.2024, 17:00 h
Hörsaal des Abbe-Zentrums Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena

Die Noblen Gespräche  werden zusätzlich als Livestream angeboten. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. 

Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch gehalten. Der Eintritt ist frei!

Weitere Informationen »


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024

22. November 2024 | 18-24 Uhr

Der Beutenberg Campus beteiligt sich auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit fast allen Instituten an der "Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften". Unter dem Leitgedanken "Life Science meets Physics" werden am 22. November 2024  mindestens 100 spannende Programmpunkte präsentiert.

Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.lndw-jena.de/


Conference_Aging and Microbiome Meeting (AMC)

October 22-23, 2024

Conference_Aging and Microbiome Meeting (AMC) 2024

It is a great pleasure to announce the “Aging and Microbiome Meeting (AMC) 2024” – taking place in Jena, Germany - from October 22-23, 2024.

Registration is now open. A number of abstracts will be selected for short talks.

This conference will represent a new forum of discussion for current research findings and recent developments in basic research and clinical applications at the intersection between aging and microbiome research. We would ask you to forward the announcement to any interested colleagues and to encourage your students to register and to submit abstracts.

Further information can be found in the attached poster or on our website: https://amc24.leibniz-fli.de



September 15-18, 2024

For the third time, ESULaB will create an important platform for professional exchange between scientists from different fields, including physicists, chemists, engineers, material scientists, biologists, biomedical scientists and industry representatives. The focus is on the latest advances and developments in the field of spectroscopy and imaging, which are realized through the use of ultrashort laser pulses and contribute to solving biophotonic problems.

Participation is free of charge!

Registration is mandatory and still open until Sept 8, 2024

Find more information on the program as well as the online registration here: https://www.biophotonics4future.com/esulab2024/


Science & Society - Öffentliche Vortragsreihe

Donnerstag, 12. September 2024 | 16 Uhr 

Prof. Dr. Elke Roeb
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Universitätsklinikum Gießen UKGM
Professorin für Innere Medizin, Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie

"Fettleber - eine Frage des Alters?"

Veranstaltungsort:  Hörsaal, Abbe-Zentrum Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena 

Die Veranstaltung wird auch als Livestream angeboten. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Bitte nutzen Sie dafür den folgenden Link: 

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!

Weitere Informationen »


"Empowering Women in Science"

September 06, 2024, 9:00 - ca. 16:30 h

"Empowering Women in Science" event

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming event, "Empowering Women in Science", scheduled for Friday, September 6th, 2024. The event will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (Hans-Knöll-Straße 8, 07745 Jena).

The aim of this event is to foster connections, share experiences, and promote opportunities for female scientists from surrounding research institutes, universities, and start-ups. We encourage participation from individuals of all research fields, genders, nationalities, career stages, and aspirations. Participation is free of charge!

You can find further details here https://www.ice.mpg.de/477573/empowering-women-in-science1.html.
Please register for the event by August 23th, 2024, using the following link: Registration Link


FLI Colloquium

Corinne Benakis
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, University Hospital, LMU Munich

Microbial metabolites as immunomodulators in stroke

Wednesday, September 04, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI1 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

For those who prefer to join via Zoom, simply follow this link: https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/66916693320?pwd=gJgyPzSaELuRYLHjRWFLVYE1M8tUIS.1


FLI Colloquium

Wojciech Pokrzywa
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw

Exploring the ubiquitin-proteasome system through multidimensional studies of E3 ligases and degrons

Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


FLI Colloquium

Ansgar Zoch
Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh

Protecting the immortal lineage – RNA-guided transponson defence in the germline

Thursday, August 08, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


FLI Colloquium

Adam MacLean
USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Science
University of Southern California

Mathematical modeling with single-cell data reveals the states and fates of stem cells

Monday, July 29, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


FLI Colloquium

Ivan Matić
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne

ADP-ribosylation in DNA Repair Signaling and Aging: Blending Advanced Technologies and Fundamental Discoveries

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 11:00 am

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

This event is hybrid. Access information will be provided shortly beforehand.
For external guests: Please email Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de for details.


International Immunology Seminars Jena: Translational Immunolgy

Olaf Groß
Institute for Neuropathology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Cross-talk between the inflammasome-nucleator NLRP3 and intrinsic apoptosis at mitochondria

July 19, 2024, 11:00 a.m.

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie  - Hans-Knöll-Institut, Beutenbergstr. 11a, 07745 Jena
Seminarraum: Dorothy Hodgkin


FLI Colloquium

Martin Graef
Cornell CALS, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Molecular mechanisms and physiological functions of autophagy

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

This is a hybrid event. Access information will be provided shortly beforehand.
For any questions please email birgit.oechsner(at)leibniz-fli.de-


Conference_The Anthropocene: addressing its challenges for humanity – crossing the boundaries of science

June 24.-26., 2024

The Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, founded in 2022, and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina are organizing this conference as part of the inter- and transdisciplinary conference series "Crossing Boundaries in Science". 


FLI Inauguration Lecture Series

Janine Kirstein

"Protein folding challenges in aging and disease"

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


Noble Gespräche - Öffentliche Vortragsreihe

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin J. Lohse
Universität Würzburg / TU München und und ISAR Bioscience Institut, Planegg/München
"Arzneimittel für morgen"
30.05.2024, 17:00 h
Hörsaal des Abbe-Zentrums Beutenberg, Hans-Knöll-Str. 1, 07745 Jena

Hinweise: Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung werden die diesjährigen Wissenschaftspreise Lebenswissenschaften und Physik des Beutenberg-Campus Jena e.V. verliehen.
Die Noblen Gespräche  werden zusätzlich als Livestream angeboten. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. 

Der Vortrag wird auf Deutsch gehalten. Der Eintritt ist frei!

Weitere Informationen »


Institutskolloquium des Leibniz-Instituts für Photonische Technologien (Leibniz-IPHT)

Dr. Daniel Brunner

Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks

Zeit: 22. April 2024, 10:30 Uhr
Ort: Lecture hall in the Abbe Center Beutenberg (Hans-Knöll-Straße 1, 07745 Jena)


FLI Colloquium

Katharina Papsdorf
Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz

Lipid droplets and peroxisomes are coregulated to drive lifespan extension in response to mono-unsaturated fatty acids

Thursday, May 02, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


FLI Inauguration Lecture Series

Clara Correia-Melo

Uncovering the Impact of Cell-Cell Metabolite Exchange on Aging

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 03:00 pm

Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute,
Beutenbergstr. 11, 07745 Jena, Nucleus, FLI 

If you would like to attend the seminar in person, no registration is needed.

In case you like to attend via Zoom please send an e-mail to Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke(at)leibniz-fli.de. She will provide you the relevant access details.


Institutskolloquium des Leibniz-Instituts für Photonische Technologien (Leibniz-IPHT)

Prof. Eckart Hasselbrink

"Insights into the short life of vibrations from time-resolved spectroscopy

Zeit: 19. April 2024, 09:30 Uhr
Ort: Conference Room of Leibniz IPHT, Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, 07745 Jena


Universitätsklinikum Jena

Prof. Robert Peter Gale
Los Angeles, USA, London, UK, Guangzhou. and Beijing, China

Risks and benefits of nuclear energy: Accidents, targets of war and climate change

Montag, 15.04.2024, 17:00 h | Hörsaal 1, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena


UniStemDay für Schüler*innen am 22. März 2024

Das Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung (FLI) in Jena lädt auch in diesem Jahr wieder interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler der Biologie-Leistungskurse der Sekundarstufe II und ihre Lehrer/innen zum europäischen Stammzelltag – UniStem Day – am Freitag, den 22. März 2024, recht herzlich ein.

Mit dem UniStem Day soll  bei den Schülern der Oberstufe (Schwerpunkt Biologie) das Interesse für
die biologischen Grundlagen und die medizinischen Anwendungsbereiche von Stammzellen geweckt werden.

Kommen Sie mit ihren Schüler/innen zu uns und informieren Sie sich vor Ort über aktuelle Themen der Stammzellforschung! Unser Programm bietet Vorträge zu Stammzellen in Forschung und medizinischer Anwendung, lässt aber auch Raum für Diskussionen und zum Experimentieren.

Das vorläufige Programm finden Sie auf dieser Webseite.

Da die Plätze begrenzt sind, bitten wir um eine zeitnahe Anmeldung über die jeweiligen Fachlehrer/innen per E-Mail an presse(at)leibniz-fli.de.


Inauguration Lecture of Melike Dönertas, Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute

Melike Dönertas

"From Data to Discovery – Understanding Ageing and Microbiome through Computational Biology"

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 3 pm
Seminar room “Nucleus”, FLI 1, Beutenbergstraße 11, Jena and hybrid version by Zoom

No registration is needed for personal attendance. For attending by zoom please email me
and I will provide the relevant access details.
For external guests: Please email Ivonne.Roeppnack-Jahnke@leibniz-fli.de for details.